Monday, March 3, 2014

Three popular articles about the ecosystems or environment in home country

1. Ecosystem Marketplace - Haiti: The Slippery Slope of Ecosystem Degradation
 In this moonscape called Haiti, there is no place to hide.  Hurricane rains followed fast on the heals of the deadly January earthquake, pounding denuded forests and dirt-baked terrain, triggering mudslides, cutting through gullies, destroying anemic vegetation and washing deadly strains of cholera and sewage into rivers where people wash and drink. This once lush Caribbean island nation has been virtually cut clean of its former tree cover by an impoverished people desperate for fuel.

2.The environmental issues in Haiti
Haiti’s geographical location leaves it prone to a number of potentially disastrous natural phenomena such as hurricanes, tropical storms and earthquakes, which have frequently caused widespread devastation and major loss of life within the country, the latest example being the earthquake of 12 January 2010. Any country would find it difficult to deal with the challenges thrown up by such natural events. However, in the case of Haiti, the poorest country in the Americas, the task is compounded by centuries of environmental degradation and mismanagement.
Source: EarthTrends (World Resources Institute) – Country profile: Biodiversity and Protected Areas - Haiti (2003):

3. The environmental issues in Haiti
This is a report of talked about the stormwater loosened soil in Haiti. The last month, a family lose trees, shrubs and other vegetation that anchor soil and buffer runoff are rare.

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