Monday, March 3, 2014

Description of the main environmental threats to Haiti biome caused by human disturbance. What are they? What causes them? Where are they the worst? How do they impact the environment (biotic and abiotic)?

One of the most devastating environmental threats to Haiti biome is the deforestation that unfortunately, has become endemic on this small tropical island. Haiti is a poor county, and it lack many of the modern conveniences that are take for granted in the first world countries.  For instance, an electric or gas stove. The majority of Haiti still cooks meals over an open flame.  You need fuel for the fire, so many people have taken to the forests to cut the wood to make into fuel for the fires to cook food for families. People need to eat and because Haiti lacks the infrastructure for proper utilities that forests are quickly being depleted to provide fuel for cook fires. The rate of the forest destruction is alarming, nearly 98% of Haiti's forests are gone.
There are additional issues caused by the deforestation. Due to the lack of trees, the soil is eroding very quickly. Haiti is a tropical island and is in the path of many hurricanes.  When the heavy rains and high winds hit Haiti, the lack of trees and strong root systems, holding soil in place leaves the landscape susceptible to land slides. This cyclical issue has left Haiti't rate of deforestation very high, and additionally the soil erosion leaves the soils depleted of nutrients needed to grow healthy crops, such as vegetables. This leaves Haiti lacking in food self sufficiency.  Maybe goods are imported to provide food for the county.  The goal for Haiti would be to replant trees, this is a great place to start.  With more trees, the root systems will flourish, and strengthen, leaving the soil in tact. There will not be as much soil run off, ,or erosion. The soil will retain its nutrients, supplying the farmers with better options for agriculture. Haiti needs to strive to be more self sufficient. Unfortunately this process will not take place overnight, it will take years to eventually see success from the reforestation process. But it needs to start soon so Haiti can begin to rebuild and regrow.


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