Monday, March 3, 2014

Three peer-reviewed articles about the management of the ecosystems in Haiti

1. The peer article is about Ecosystem
The relationship of forests in water quantity and quality has been debated during the past years. At the same time, focus on climate change has increased interest in ecosystem restoration as a means for adaptation. Climate change might become one of the key drivers pushing integrated approaches for natural resources management into practice. [read more ...]
Integrated Approaches to Natural Resources Management in Practice: The Catalyzing Role of National Adaptation Programmes for Action
Source: Stucki, V., & Smith, M. (2011). Integrated approaches to natural resources management in practice: The catalyzing role of national adaptation programmes for action. Ambio, 40(4), 351-60. Retrieved from

2. Ecological management in the Caribean
The Caribbean Sea and its watersheds show signs of environmental degradation. These fragile coastal ecosystems are susceptible to environmental impacts, in part because of their oligotrophic conditions and their critical support of economic development. Tourism is one of the major sources of income in the Caribbean, making the region one of the most ecotourism dependent in the world. Yet there are few explicit, long-term, comprehensive studies describing the structure and function of Caribbean ecosystems. [read more]
A Conceptual Framework to Develop Long-Term Ecological Research and Management Objectives in the Wider Caribbean Region
Source: Rivera-Monroy, V., Twilley, R. R., Bone, D., Childers, D. L., & al, e. (2004). A conceptual framework to develop long-term ecological research and management objectives in the wider caribbean region. Bioscience, 54(9), 843-856. Retrieved from

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